The story revolves around Alain, a busy businessman who is always in a rush. In his life, there is no room for spare time or family. But one day, he suffers a stroke, which makes him lose his grasp of language and use one word in place of another.
Un homme pressé (2018)
Derived from the non fiction book "J'étais un homme pressé" by Christian Streiff former CEO of Airbus and PSA Peugeot-Citroen, this one shows the rich Luchini character as a hard serving executive who intimidates all. It takes all the Luchini charm to make this guy acceptable.
L'homme pressé (1977)L' homme pressé is a highly original movie based on a book that was written in the 1940s. The director uses the story of a constantly anxious antiques collector in order to make a comment on the limits of uncontrolled passion, if there are any, and, more generally, on the pressure we get every day from living in a material world.
Un homme presséUn Homme Pressé est un film réalisé par Hervé Mimran avec Fabrice Luchini, Leïla Bekhti. Synopsis : Alain est un homme d’affaires respecté et un orateur brillant. Il court après le temps.
Un homme pressé / BandeDécouvrez la bande-annonce du film #UnhommePressé avec Fabrice Luchini et Leila Bekhti ! Un film de Hervé Mimran au cinéma le 7 novembre 2018.
Un Homme press?? Full MovieUn Homme press?? 1970
UN HOMME PRESSÉ Bande Annonce (2018) Fabrice Luchini, Leila Bekhti, ComédieAlain est un homme d’affaires respecté et un orateur brillant. Il court après le temps. Dans sa vie, il n'y a aucune place pour les loisirs ou la famille. Un jour, il est victime d'un accident ...
Noir DésirSong L'homme pressé; Artist Noir Désir; Writers Serge Teyssot-Gay, Denis Barthe, Bertrand Cantat, Jean-Paul Roy; Licensed to YouTube by